Friday, April 22, 2016

Unity broke again, how to fix it.

Updated to Ubuntu 16.04 today. I always update as soon as I can. OS updates, as well as regular updates, does however have a tendency to break Unity. I bit too often I think. When it happens, there are millions of articles online on how to debug and try to fix it. I've come to a simple solution that always fixes this constantly regressing piece of software.

Step 1: Always accept the default settings. This makes step 2 easier.

Step 2: When it breaks:

sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool
unity-tweak-tool --reset-unity

Now you can keep using your Ubuntu like nothing happened. This method saves half a day of googling a few times a year.

Update 2016-04-30:

Seems that Xenial might not have been ready for release just yet. Further updates has broken unity once again. But, as previously stated, --reset-unity will fix it.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Bleeding on the edge, Android development with DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR

I've been spending some time in Android Studio learning to develop android apps the last few weeks. And it is so extremely frustrating to consider how much time the development environment is stealing from me!

  • At home the emulator is really fast, but at work, with similar hardware and same OS it refuses to use acceleration.
  • The projects "break" every now and then. The "app" module is lost and nothing can be done but recreating the project again.
  • I forget to uncheck all those useless image updates when installing modules in the SDK. And have to wait for ever for them to download. Why are they checked by default every time?
And the last one. The one where the app refuses to install and you get the message
Google has so many answers to this issue. Cleaning, restarting, reinstalling, deleting directories in Android and what not. Nobody seems to know why or what to do and yet it happens to me twice a week.

In the end there is only one solution that works, works fast and works every time. Go into the virtual device manager, click the drop down on your device and hit "Wipe Data"!

Stop spending time and try to fix this and just bite the bitter android until your lips start bleeding on the rough edges of the robot!